Feed Your Soul Gospel Reflections

You’re not fully you when you’re spiritually hungry. That’s why we created the Feed Your Soul Gospel Reflection program with Matthew Kelly and Allen Hunt! These free weekly videos were created just for you - so watch to your soul’s content and prepare for Sunday in a powerful way.

Life In His Name

An Instrument of Peace

Rediscover Sacrifice

A Strong Connection

Good, Real Friendship

Meet Them Where They Are

You Have the Living Water

The Power of Love

Remember Who You Are

Sowing the Seed

Life is Stormy

Jesus the Healer

Courage and Perseverance

God Loves Collaboration

Jesus' Beautiful Humanity

All Things Are Possible With God

The Bread of Life

A People of Truth

Dancing For Joy

The Beauty of Faithfulness

Gossip, Hypocrisy And The Inner Life

God Is Your Healer

The Jesus Question

Children Are The Future

Agents of Unity

Two Shall Become One

A Gospel Cliffhanger

Leadership 101 With Jesus

Seeing Like A Blind Man

Running On Empty

Closing the Generosity Gap

The End Of The World?

24 Hour Truth Challenge

Get Right To The Core

Hearing The Call of Destiny

The Pink Candle Memo

The Not-So-Secret Key to Blessing

Search And Find: The God Edition

What Real Wisdom Looks Like

These Questions Lead to Flourishing

Turn Your Shortage Into Abundance

The Gospel According to You

Jesus And The Haters

The Formula for Deep Living

Believers Beware

Jesus’ Hardest Teaching?

What Are You Filling Your Heart With?

Life Isn't About What You Think?

Face Life Head-On

The Uncomfortable Truth about Forgiveness

What is the Worst Kind of Blindness?

Afraid to Die? You Already Have.

Jesus Doesn't Hold Back

Never Forget These Words

Are You Being Robbed of Peace?

A Gospel Ghost Story

Do You Know The Shepherd?

How Free Are You Really?

Stop Settling for Mediocre!

Is Your Family Stormproof?

Refresh Your Soul

Guess Who's Coming For Dinner?

A Heartstopping Story of Faith

Are You a Fan or a Follower?

God Is Not Who You Imagined

What's Your Limit On Love?

To Busy? Try this.

Boldest. Prayer. Ever.

Does Your Stuff Control You?

Don't Let Fear Hold You Back

The Gospel is Exclusive

The Narrow Path Isn't What You Think

The Biggest Red-Flags For Love

The Cross Will Change Your Life

Seeing Yourself Through God's Eyes

Who's the Master of Your Heart?

A Glimpse Beyond Death

The Sweet and Salty Gospel

Discover Who You Could Be

The Power of Persistence

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others!

Reviled. Hated. Transformed.

Step Into the Heart of God

The Key to Your Dreams: Endurance

The Battle for Your Heart

How to Have Hope

Stop Pretending and Start Living

Are You Prepared For Jesus?

Don't Believe The Lies

Jesus Was Born. So What?

Three Important Questions for Your Faith

Which Bible Message Is For You?

How To Find Your Life's Mission

How Do You Respond To God?

The True Meaning of the Beatitudes

How To Actually Be The Light Of The World

Signs That Anger Is Controlling You

4 Ways to Have the Best Day of Your Life

 The #1 Way to Overcome Temptation

Put Yourself in The Gospel Story!

What’s The Center of Your Life?

How To Know If Someone Loves You

Welcome God's Power Into Your Life

Be Careful What You Pursue

Remember This If You're Afraid of Death

Which Side Are You On?

Don't Forget To Ask This Question

The Truth About Religion.

Will You Say Yes?

The Truth About Jesus' Love for You

Jesus' Prayer For You

Find Happiness.

4 Words That Change Everything

The Truth About The Eucharist.

Be Careful What You Praise

Banish Your Frear

Don't Read The Bible Like a Scholar

Why Does Rest Matter?

Discover Your Mission

The Brutal Truth About Your Mess

Find The Answers You're Looking For.

Why Does God Let Us Fail?

Face Your Fears

Find God's Detour Sign

The Most Important Question of Your Life

How To Become A Saint

Are You Avoiding God's Way?

What Kind of Servant Are You?

Why Is Life So Unfair?

This Question Holds the Key to Happiness

The Shocking Lesson of the Wicked Tenants

What Will You Look Like In Heaven?

Jesus' Advice for Dealing With Difficult People

How to Measure Your Spiritual Growth

The #1 Benefit of Having Faith

Are You Prepared to Meet Your Maker?

Can God Trust You?

Learn to Love like Mother Teresa

Refocus Your Life!

Are You Prepared?

Let Your Soul Shine

Get Ready For Christmas

Transform Your New Year

Discover Complete Joy

Get Curious

The Road to Hope

Discover the Power

See Proof of God

Can You Keep a Secret?

Turn It All Around

Visit God's Cathedral

The Gifts Your Don't See

Discover Your Blind Spots

The Power of Weeping

The Blessings Formula

Embracing Uncertainty

You Were Made for Greatness

Find Peace in Your Life

Rediscover Sacrifice

Check Your Connection

The Truth About Friendship

Meet Them Where They Are

You Have The Living Water

Embrace The Mystery